Thursday, September 10, 2009

Green Hosting Company Planting Trees to Help Restore Forests Damaged by California Wildfires

Los Angeles, CA, September 04, 2009 -- Last month, (“CR8”), a mission driven carbon neutral web hosting company, launched its Green Hosting Tree Planting program which is planting a new tree every month on behalf of every active web hosting account.

CR8Change in affiliation with American Forest’s Global ReLeaf program is working to help plant 3.2 million trees in 2009 to aid forest restoration in areas severely damaged by wildfires throughout California with additional wildfire projects in Montana, Colorado, Arizona and Minnesota. Species to be planted include giant sequoia and ponderosa pine in California, Sitka spruce in Alaska, longleaf pine in Florida and the Carolinas, red spruce in Maryland’s Appalachian Mountains, and hardwoods in Arkansas.

A mission driven company, in addition to providing affordable carbon neutral web hosting, CR8Change donates upwards of 14% of revenues to qualified reforestation and urban tree planting projects.

“CR8Change is committed to planting native trees in forest restoration projects for the range of benefits that trees and forests provide, including clean water and air, cooling shade, wildlife habitat, and the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to slow climate change,” commented James Arthur Smith, CR8Change’ Executive Director. “Thanks in part to cost savings afforded by recent innovation in server technologies and the forward thinking eco-conscious businesses who have made the switch to our carbon neutral hosting program, we are able to help fund these tree reforestation projects entirely from the revenues of our green hosting business.”

A recent report by industry analysts, Gartner, found that the global IT industry generated as much greenhouse gas as the world’s airlines – about 2% of global CO2 emissions. Traditional banks of data servers storing billions of web pages require significant power. “Data centers are among the most energy-intensive facilities imaginable,” said Evan Mills, a scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. However the advent of virtualization technologies and cloud computing has helped forward thinking web hosting companies like CR8Change to significantly improve data center efficiency and reduce the total coast of ownership for server facilities. Such technological advances have helped to facilitate profitable carbon neutral green hosting at affordable prices.

With green hosting accounts starting at $7.00 per month, which includes free migration to their state of the art web servers, 150GB of disk storage; 1500GB of monthly bandwidth and the ability to host unlimited add on and sub domains; CR8Change carbon neutral web hosting accounts are cost competitive and in many cases less expensive than their non-green industry peers. However CR8Change web hosting accounts are carbon neutral and proactively helping plant millions of trees in areas desperately in need of reforestation.

Actress, model and recently new client of, Naureen Zaim ( of Los Angles, CA. commented: “Switching my website to’s green hosting program was an easy, seamless process. Knowing that my web site is no longer contributing to global warming and now actively helping reforestation projects is invaluable to me.”

Another client, Sean Davey (, a fine art ocean photographer based out of Sunset Beach, Hawaii also commented: “For as little as $7.00 per month, there is no reason every website shouldn’t go green and be proactively helping create positive change!”

About CR8Change
CR8Change is a green energy wind powered hosting company that does not pollute or contribute to global warming to power its web servers. CR8Change is an Internet Hosting company offering first rate technology without gouging customers with unnecessary fees. Cr8Change donates upwards of 14% of revenues to planting a new tree every month on behalf of every active web hosting account. For additional information please visit:

Contact Information:
James Arthur Smith, Founder and Executive Director
Phone: 858.926.5527


  1. Really good informative post! I think this is the best think anyone can do for their country... Planting trees is really a noble work... Good going green hosting


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